Hi Torum fam,. The next batch of updates and fixes is about to be pushed to Torum.

04 Aug 2022, 07:03
Hi Torum fam, The next batch of updates and fixes is about to be pushed to Torum.com. After the update has been completed, the Web 3 feature that was hinted at by Jayson will be introduced to Torum’s SocialFi ecosystem. It seems that some sharp-witted Landers were able to guess the secret Web3 features that's coming out. However, 3-hour is required for the team to ensure a smooth update. Some of Torum features (like comment, like reply, hide comment and hide reply actions) will be unavailable. The maintenance will start on 7:30 AM UTC and if all goes well, all features and functionalities should resume around 10:30 AM UTC. Please note that once the maintenance has been successfully completed, you will be required to relogin to your Torum account. Any updates on the status of this update will be made through Torum's official announcement channels. We are sorry for interrupting your daily dose of Torum! Website | Twitter | Instagram | Telegram | Discord | Medium